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Composting and Burning Regulations

The most desirable method of yard material disposal is the return of nutrients to the soil, as in composting.  Composting, or any other type of non-incendiary disposal, is the yard material management tool recommended by your local fire department.  

COMPOSTING: Yard material cannot be taken to a landfill, so Harter’s will not pick it up with your street-side trash/recycling.  Residents may take grass clippings, pine needles, leaves and branches up to 4″ in diameter (no set length) to the City Garage at 100 Sixth Avenue which is open year around (but not on holidays) on the following days/times:

Tuesday – 1 PM – 7 PM
Thursday – 1 PM – 7 PM
Saturday – 9 AM – 7 PM

All yard material must be removed from plastic bags.

Burning Regulations

AUTHORITY OF FIRE DEPARTMENT: Per Village Ordinance, the Fire Chief, Fire Inspector, any appointed Fire Officer, or Law Enforcement Officer may order and/or cause to be extinguished any fire that may, in their singular opinion, be threatening the safety of persons or property in the Village. Non-compliance to regulations or orders of the Fire Department official may result in a citation.

MATERIALS FOR BURNING: Only brush/branches/leaves may be burned.  Composting and mulching are healthy alternatives to burning and are always encouraged.

BURNING HOURS:  4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

SIZE OF PILES: Piles larger than 4’x4’x3′ is prohibited.

FIRE LOCATION: No burning shall take place in any street right-of-way. Approved burning shall take place 30′ or more from any structure, flammable liquid, or other material which constitutes a potential fire hazard.

WIND REGULATIONS: No burning shall take place when the wind velocity exceeds 9 M.P.H. as indicated by a credible source or during periods when either the Village Fire Chief or the Department of Natural Resources has issued a burning ban.

FIRE PREVENTION: ALL fires must be attended at all times, by a responsible person equipped with either an operable garden hose or fire extinguisher. ALL FIRES MUST BE extinguished before such person leaves the site.  Fully extinguished means no heat can be felt emitting from the remains of the fire.

CONTRACTOR REGULATIONS: Contractors may be granted permission to burn.  An example may be lot clearing.  Contractors wishing to burn must obtain written permission from the Fire Department prior to commencing any burning.  The Fire Department may wish to inspect the site/pile/materials prior to making a determination.  It is suggested the contractor contact the Fire Department a minimum of 7 days before the desired burn date(s).

Fire Pit / Camp Fire Regulations

MATERIALS FOR BURNING: Only clean wood (i.e. sawn wood) may be burned.  Yard waste and constructions materials are not part of this section.


SIZE & LOCATION: Fire pits (i.e. camp fires) not more than thirty-six (36″) in diameter, shall be located a minimum of twenty (20′) feet from any structure and/or fifteen (15′) feet from any lot line (i.e. distance from edge of fire pit to either lot line and/or structure).

WIND REGULATIONS: No burning shall take place when the wind velocity exceeds 9 M.P.H. as indicated by a credible source or during periods when either the Village Fire Chief or the Department of Natural Resources has issued a burning ban.

FIRE PREVENTION: All fire pits (i.e. camp fires) shall be encircled with non-flammable material (i.e. bricks, stone, metal, etc.). All fires must be attended at all times, by a responsible person equipped with either an operable garden hose or fire extinguisher.  All fires must be extinguished by MIDNIGHT or when left unattended.  Fully extinguished means no heat can be felt emitting from the remains of the fire.


Complaints, Questions & Other Contact

Residents wishing to register a complaint regarding any Burning / Fire Pit / Camp Fire, are encouraged to contact the Stevens Point Fire Chief at (715) 344-1833, or the Portage County Communications Center at (715) 346-1400.